NC State Fair: A Crafter's View - October 2007
This year, my faithful fair companion Kathy and I decided to start our day with a spin around the Village Of Yesteryear, rather than speed around it at closing time while all the lawn trolls, wood carvings, and colonial teddy bears are being put away for the night. This year we saw it in its full glory, but with a touch of underlying sadness.
No need to dance around it - The Village Of Yesteryear is in danger of dying out. There are some young-ish (read: middle aged) booth operators, but even that is telling. The "Whippersnappers" are older than my parents. In the not-too-distant future, who is going to wear the bonnet and extol the virtues of braided rag rugs? Wooden spoons? Hell, even corn shuck dolls?
Perhaps I should seek out an apprenticeship with the knitter. Or the rag rug maker. The real money is in goat's milk soap, though. Those people had a line! I wonder if my grandma's lard based unscented soap would draw a similar crowd ... it's WAY more yesteryear than that rose hips-chamomile stuff.