Wednesday, April 30, 2008


The garden has begun to make its way from the backyard to the dinner table. The lettuce plants are productive, with broccoli not far behind. The garden extension '08 is complete, and the entire first crop has been planted. I'm psyched! Speaking to my grandma recently, she told me, "We'll keep in touch through our gardens." What a wonderful way to think about it.


The bush beans are taking off.

Broccoli pre-harvest. New shoots are already coming up.

Chard and cauliflower are truckin' along.

The complete garden: 6 raised beds. Tomatoes in the foreground - Cherokee Purple, Celebrity and Juliet (2 plants each).

Gerberas are blooming! I'm thrilled that they are perennial down here. They bloom all summer.

Snapdragons and pansies that survived the winter! Take that, Minnesota!

The irises are big and beautiful once a year.

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